Backup your google docs – the easy way!

I am a big fan of Google Docs and I store quite a number of documents there so that I can access them from where ever I have an internet connection.  I don’t store anything too sensitive like my bank account details etc. If Google disappeared over night I would...

My PC Repair Toolkit

Being the computer guy among family and friends I often get asked to fix their PCs. Over the years I have built up a wide range of tools that I use when fixing the computers.  The issues have involved cleaning spyware/viruses, fixing network issues, setting up...

Take Windows vista enterprise for a test drive

Microsoft have made Windows Vista Enterprise available as a Virtual PC image for a 30 day evaluation.  This is great for those of us that would like to try it out but don’t want to upgrade our systems yet.  Microsoft Virtual PC 2007 is available as a...

Installing Ubuntu the easy way

About a month ago I decided to give Ubuntu ( a very popular distribution of Linux) a go and try it out to see what all the fuss is about. Since I am a big fan of virtualization I decided that I would use Microsoft Virtual PC 2007 to minimize the risk. I could then...

Irish Microsoft Technology Conference

The Irish Microsoft Technology Conference will be held in Dublin on June 7th and will host a wide range of speakers including Tim Sneath from Microsoft. The sessions will cover topics such as: Building Silverlight Applications using .NET Visual Studio...

MTUG Cork Event was great

I attended the Agile with Team System and DB Pro event hosted by MTUG Cork on Monday night. The evening was broken into two sessions, Brendan Lawlor firstly presented “Can Microsoft Development be Agile?” which was an excellent presentation. Brendan began by...

Google to buy Feedburner

Techcrunch is reporting that Feedburner is to be bought out by Google. I use Feedburner on this blog to track usage and stats on my rss feed. It is a very popular service amongst bloggers so I’m not surprised that Google has decided to purchase them. It will be...

What is your backup strategy?

Backing up your important files is something everyone knows that they should do but not too many people actually do it. My backup strategy at the moment consists of regularly burning DVDs or copying files to my portable HDD. Definitely far better that not backing up...

Download previous versions of popular apps

Sometimes you just need to get your hands on a previous version of a popular software application but it is no longer available from the official website. Take for example, web browsers, let’s say that you had to test your new website on Internet Explorer 5. If...

Preventing Cross Site Scripting (XSS) Attacks

If you are developing real world ASP.NET applications then security is something that you should be concerned about. How do you make your site or application is tamper proof but still make it flexible enough from an end user point of view ? In order to make your web...