Since this blog is of a technical nature I plan to be posting more code snippets as time goes on. I obviously want the source code to appear pretty on my blog with all the syntax highlighting that one is used to in modern IDEs (including Visual Studio .NET 2003/2005). I run this blog using WordPress and I have just installed a plugin to take care of the Syntax highlighting called WP-dp.SyntaxHighlighter. It supports many languages and I’ll be interested mainly in the .NET languages. Below is an example of a code snippet in C#
using System;
public class ReverseArraySort
public static void Main()
string[] strings = {"beta", "alpha", "gamma"};
Console.WriteLine ("Array elements: ");
DisplayArray (strings);
Array.Sort (strings); // Sort elements
DisplayArray (strings);
public static void DisplayArray (Array array)
foreach (object o in array)
Console.Write ("{0} ", o);